About Wyalusing Valley Children's Center, Inc.
The Wyalusing Valley Children's Center, Inc. was established in 2003 by Robyn Keeney Lacy. Since opening, we have grown to three locations. Our centers use the Creative Curriculum approach to early childhood education. Our teachers create an atmosphere in which children feel safe and emotionally secure, and also have a sense of belonging. Our activities and teaching strategies are challenging, but within each child's reach, allowing them choices and a role in determining how they will learn. The children then have a sense of competence, are able to make decisions, and direct their own learning.
Our programs are designed to provide a positive quality early childhood experience. Our Wyalusing and Wysox Centers are licensed by the Department of Human Services. Both centers also hold a Star 4 rating in the Keystone Stars quality rating systems. The Wyalusing and Wysox Centers also accept the Child Care Works (CCIS subsidy). All three of our locations serve Pre-K Counts children.
We Believe
Children are eager and active learners and learn best when they can act upon their environment. Opportunities for exploration, self-expression, tasting, feeling, seeing and thinking provide a positive foundation for future learning.
Children learn through play. Providing adequate time for free and structured play promotes social and communicative skills, as well as time for children to learn about the world around them.
Physical development is just as important as social, emotional and intellectual development. Children need time and space to run, jump, skip, hop, climb, cut, paste and pour.