Each infant will be on their own schedule, depending on the infant's needs and their parent's desires. Parents fill out a schedule to be followed by the staff. Parents provide all food, bottles (taken home daily and washed), diapers and wipes for their infants, with everything being labeled. Infants must keep a change of clothing on hand at all times.
Infants will be provided with an environment that stimulates small and large muscle coordination, the senses, creative expression and socialization.
Parents will receive daily reports with the child's sleeping patterns, food consumption, urination and bowel movements, as well as photos of the fun their child is having throughout the day using the Tadpoles parent communication app.
Locations with this service
Our toddler room's daily schedules are made to allow plenty of time to focus on creative art, sensory experiences, fine motor and gross motor development, and language development. The learning plans offer ideas for creative art and sensory experiences to explore through discovery; the fine motor area focuses on grasping and eye/hand coordination, the gross motor area focuses on using large muscle development, and the language area focuses on using words to express needs. An important emphasis for this age is emotional development, which includes helping children feel good about themselves and their abilities.
Older toddlers are eager and enthusiastic learners and are nurtured and challenged through group play and language development. The learning schedule for this classroom offers activities in the areas of creative art, nature, fine motor, physical fitness and songs. The important emphasis for children of this age is socialization: such as sharing and taking turns, and cooperation in a group environment. Parents will receive daily notes and photos about their children's day throughout the Tadpoles parent communication app.
Locations with this service
Our preschool program is available to families of three and four-year-old children. Both half day (8am-1pm) and full-day spots are available, as space permits. Children must be enrolled at least three days per week. Our preschool classroom has a teacher and assistant teacher with the education and expertise to teach young children. Teachers will regularly review your child's progress and choose learning activities that are best for your child.
We follow Savvas Three Cheers for Pre-K Curriculum which helps get young children ready for kindergarten. This curriculum utilizes skills-based experiences and purposeful play to initiate learning around quality children’s literature. It’s fun and effective with multisensory activities and amazing interactive digital content and includes a family engagement web portal which includes learning games and helpful tools for parents and caregivers. The rich concept development activities in Three Cheers for Pre-K are mirrored in Uno, dos, tres !Prekínder! to support multilingual learners. Our rooms have centers set up to have children learn at their own pace. The centers include dramatic play/housekeeping, blocks, computers, library, art, sand and water, and a writing center. We follow the PA Early Learning Standards in developing lessons for our preschool classroom.
Locations with this service
Pre-K Counts
The Pennsylvania Pre-K Counts pre-kindergarten program, established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, makes quality pre-kindergarten opportunities available (at no cost) to qualified children and families across the Commonwealth. The program is available to three and four year old children who are at risk of school failure, either because of income (300% of poverty level), language (English is not your first language), or special needs issues.
Our program is available 180 days per year from 8:00 A.M. until 1:00 P.M. and follows the Wyalusing, Towanda, or Sullivan County School District schedules.
Pre-K counts classrooms have teachers and assistant teachers with the education and expertise to teach young children. Teachers will regularly review your child's progress and choose learning activities that are best for your child. Pre-K counts also helps children to transition smoothly into kindergarten.
We follow the Savvas Three Cheers for Pre-K Curriculum, which helps your children grow academically and socially. Our rooms have centers set-up to have the children learn at their own pace. The centers include dramatic play/housekeeping, blocks, computers, library, art, sand and water, and a writing center. We follow the PA Early Learning Standards in developing lessons for our Pre-K counts classrooms.
For more information, visit PA Pre-K counts.
Locations with this service
School Age
Before and after school care is provided, with bussing to and from the Wyalusing Valley Elementary School and J Andrew Morrow Elementary School. Our school age program provides an opportunity for children to prepare for their day's activities and a chance to unwind at the end of the day. Organized activities, outside play, and time for homework are all included. Breakfast and an afternoon snack are provided, as well.
During the summer months, a summer camp program is available for school aged children, with a strong focus on STEM activities. Weekly field trips are taken during the summer months, including movies, roller skating, bowling, horseback riding, and more.